domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

Pese al intento de olvidar... no olvidamos..



LUNES 1º DE ABRIL 13:00 hrs.

Frente a la Embajada de Colombia en México

(Paseo de la Reforma No. 379, cerca del Ángel de la Independencia) 

Evitemos que siga la infamia...

Síntesis de la presentación del libro “Sucumbíos historia de una infamia” en la Cámara de Diputados; 

Denuncia del Canal del Congreso por no cubrir la presentación del libro “Sucumbíos historia de una infamia”

En un refugio guardado en su corazón
Llevan la bandera de Bolívar.
Su rostro la transmite en la sonrisa
Que dejaron en las imágenes del recuerdo.
Hoy desde lo alto suenan las campanas
Ustedes las tocan para mostrarnos el camino.
Juan, Verónica, Soren, Fernando desde lo alto nos miran
Y nos recuerdan que para ser grandes
Hay que saber soñar.

Did you know that you can outsource tax-receipting to ammado at no extra cost to you?


We have so far offered our tax-receipting functionality exclusively to our large nonprofit partners but are now opening it up to all of you.

What exactly does this mean? Once a donor has made a donation, ammado immediately sends an automated email confirmation to the donor. This is our common practice and nothing is about to change here. For many donors this confirmation email suffices as a receipt, especially for smaller donation amounts. In addition, we do allow every donor though to request an extra receipt from the nonprofit. Should the donor choose this option, we ask him/her for additional information and so far have passed this information on to you (you can find it in your donation statement) and it has been your obligation to provide this receipt.

Now you can instruct to issue receipts on your behalf which means that every donor requesting an extra receipt will get one emailed by ammado straight away and you don’t have to deal with it anymore. Any hassle such as dealing with lost receipts is eliminated as donors have a full donation and receipt-management area on

The format of the receipt is standardized, it does include your logo and name (make sure to upload a logo on your ammado profile!) but you have 5000 characters that you can use for your own customized text. You can also have different text versions for different campaigns.

We only send tax receipts by email (rather than by post), but you can link to any documents and let the donor print them. We do not take responsibility that our receipt format is accepted in your country (although we have done our best to ensure that it does!), so please make a test donation after your tax-receipt functionality is switched on and request a receipt to see what it looks like. And of course we do not guarantee that the donor gets tax-relief when donating to you – the legislation around this can be complex and it is every donors own responsibility to check in advance of a donation if it is tax-deductible in the donor’s home country.

But we can guarantee you that once you are set up, outsourcing tax-receipts to us will eliminate a lot of hassle for you!

Happy Easter everyone from the ammado team!
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The World Assembly of Inhabitants at WSF 2013


The convergence of struggles at World Assembly of Inhabitants: 29/3/13

In the afternoon we will hold our main plenary session Assemblée Mondiale des Habitants / World Assembly of Inhabitants / Asamblea Mundial de los Habitantes
Time: 16.00 – 18.30
Room: Faculty of Sciences - Amphi A
» The convergence of struggles at World Assembly of Inhabitants: 29/3/13
The International Alliance of Inhabitants is a global network of associations and social movements of inhabitants, cooperatives, communities, tenants, house owners, homeless, slum dwellers, indigenous populations and people from working class neighbourhoods. The objective is the construction of another possible world starting from the achievement of the housing and city rights.
You can manage you subscription using the Newsletter Tool .

Update #13 Defend Indigenous People and the Amazon

Posted by Luke Ashley (cause founder)
Get others involved
Ecuador To Sell A Third Of Its Amazon Rainforest To Chinese Oil Companies
Ecuador is planningto auction off three million of the country's 8.1 million hectares of pristine Amazonian rainforest to Chinese oil companies, Jonathan Kaiman of The Guardian reports.
The report comes as oil pollution forced neighboring Peru to declare an environmental state of emergency in its northern Amazon rainforest.
Ecuador owed China more than $7 billion — more than a tenth of its GDP — as of last summer.
In 2009 China began loaning Ecuador billions of dollars in exchange for oil shipments. It also helped fund two of the country's biggest hydroelectric infrastructure projects, and China National Petroleum Corp may soon have a 30 percent stake in a $10 billion oil refinery in Ecuador.
"My understanding is that this is more of a debt issue – it's because the Ecuadoreans are so dependent on the Chinese to finance their development that they're willing to compromise in other areas such as social and environmental regulations," Adam Zuckerman, environmental and human rights campaigner at California-based NGO Amazon Watch, told the Guardian.
The seven indigenous groups who live on the land are not happy, especially because last year a court ruled that governments must obtain "free, prior, and informed consent" from native groups before approving oil activities on their indigenous land.
"They have not consulted us, and we're here to tell the big investors that they don't have our permission to exploit our land," Narcisa Mashienta, a leader of Ecuador's Shuar people, said in a report.
Dan Collyns of The Guardian reports that "indigenous people living in the Pastaza river basin near Peru's border with Ecuador have complained for decades about ... pollution," which has been caused by high levels of petroleum-related compounds in the area. The Argentinian company Pluspetrol has operated oil fields there since 2001.